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Movement Tip: The Snatch Balance

CrossFit Seminar Staff member James Hobart demonstrates the Snatch Balance, which is a great exercise for developing speed, timing and precision dropping under the bar and strength in the catch…

Movement Tip: The Muscle Snatch

CrossFit Seminar Staff member James Hobart demonstrates the Snatch Balance, which is a great exercise for developing speed, timing and precision dropping under the bar and strength in the catch…

Movement Tip: Medicine Ball Clean

CrossFit Seminar Staff member Julie Foucher demonstrates the medicine-ball clean, which is one of CrossFit’s 9 Foundational Movements. This is a great little exercise, along with the Kettlebell Swing, to…

Movement Tip: The Skin the Cat

This week, CrossFit Seminar Staff member James Hobart demonstrates the skin the cat for us. Skin the Cat is typically a more advanced gymnastics movement. Although it can be quite…

Movement Tip: The L-Sit

CrossFit Seminar Staff members Julie Foucher and James Hobart demonstrate the L-sit, which is a challenging core and hip flexor exercise. It can be performed on bars or rings –…
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