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Register For Our 90 Day Men's Fitness Transformation

Enter your details below to secure your spot in our 90 Day Men’s Fitness Transformation


What Happens Next?

Once you apply, we’ll contact you and bring you down for a 1 hour Goal Setting Session. We’ll discuss your goals and dig into the below…

Unlimited Access To All CrossFit Classes

With classes scheduled throughout the day you will have plenty of options to fit into your busy day.

2 Personal Training Sessions

The emphasis of these sessions are technique and introducing the intense (but fun) nature of the CrossFit methodology.

Before & After Measurements

Body measurements can be a useful way to track your progress. Many times you’ll see a loss of inches even if the scale isn’t moving.

Baseline Movement & Fitness Assessment

Assessments allow us to identify weaknesses. We use this data to tailor workouts to help you effectively reach your goals.

One On One Consultation

Come in and meet with our knowledgeable and caring staff and let us talk to you about how we can help you meet your goals and have fun doing it.

Body Fat Test (Before & After)

Having too little or too much body fat can negatively impact your health, so it’s important to maintain a healthy body fat percentage.

Nutrition & Accountability

You can’t out-exercise a bad diet. CrossFit makes you accountable: The workouts are 3x harder if you eat cookies the night before.

Personalized 6 Week Meal Plan

Designed by industry professionals, this science-based approach to nutrition and wellness, uses simple behavior modification strategies to create positive change without the stress of “dieting.”

Client Testimonials

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