Movement Tip: The Dumbbell Clean and Split Jerk

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Movement Tip: The Dumbbell Clean and Split Jerk

CrossFit Seminar Staff member Julie Foucher demonstrates the dumbbell clean and split jerk to help keep your technique clean and perfect. Reap more benefits each CrossFit session with this simple movement tip.

Points Of Performance

  • Set up in position for a dumbbell clean
  • Hips and shoulders rise at the same rate
  • Then hips extend rapidly
  • Shoulders shrug, followed by a pull under with the arms
  • Dumbbells are received in a partial squat, then stand
  • Torso dips straight down
  • Hips and legs extend rapidly, the press under
  • Receive the dumbbells in a partial squat.
  • Bring feet together, one foot at a time
  • Complete when both feet are together with full hip, knee, and arm extension

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